Connecting international buyers and sellers data in real time

We bring speed, safety, ease & fluidity to end-to-end trades by connecting counterparties with each other and transforming what used to be painful data communication into a competitive asset! plan 1
Strong authentication plan line 2
Live data management plan line 3
Orders control plan line 4
Real time plan line 5
APIs plan 6
Mobile center

Job offers

  • Full Stack Engineer Intership

    Founded in 2020, aims to gather and transfer reliable data to all actors of an international trade in real-time.

    We’re looking for ambitious, product minded folks to join our engineering team and help us build the future of international trading!

    Tech and how we work

    The backend is mainly built with Python (Django) and the frontend in React. They interact through a GraphQL API (Apollo).

    The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database and we use Kafka to process data in real-time.

    Our continuous integration and delivery are handled by GitLab CI/CD.

    We mainly deploy our solution using Docker in AWS and the infrastructure is entirely described in Terraform.

    We communicate over Slack internally and we do our meetings via Google Meet.

    We like learning new technos and having passionate discussions about new frameworks, but we favour stability versus over engineering and always try to use thebest tools for the job.

    Your profile

    You want to participate in a challenging adventure and make a huge impact in a company that you’ve helped build. is just starting but our ambition is to grow fast and our engineering team is the key to success.

    You’re passionate about building well crafted apps and solving big problems. But you also understand that tech should always serve your customers’ best interests

    You like taking responsibility and ownership of your projects. We don’t have time for micromanagement and you’ll be required to deliver end to end solutions in our platform.

    You are currently a BAC +4/5 student specializing in engineering and want to start your career in a startup environment where you’ll be able to learn (and fail) fast


    Contract: internship M1, break or end of studies

    Duration: 6 months

    Start: January 2021

    Location: Le Village by CA, 55 rue la Boétie 75008 Paris, remote


    Please send your CV and cover letter to ​​. Tell us why you feel you would be a good fit for us!

Our partners

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